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Jasper County


New Providence Church

The original register of the New Providence Baptist Church has been lost. At the top of the church covenant, it stated that the covenant was adopted in November 1876. Church services were first held at the schoolhouse at the Pine Cemetery. Later the schoolhouse was moved about ½ miles south. The church then began holding its meetings at the Valley Dell School house. This was 18 miles north of Joplin.

In 1887, a church was built at its present location which is ½ mile of the schoolhouse on highway 43. The ground was given for the location of the church by Tom Smith, Sr. A carpenter supervised the building of the church but most of the work was done by its members.

Brother Denton was pastor of the church when services were held at the Pine School house. Mr. Denton rode a mule to church. He lived between Girard and Pittsburg, Kansas. There was no set salary for Brother Denton. He left the church and returned to pastor it after the church was built at its present location.

The church was first in the Bethel Association. But in September 1922, due to dissatisfaction with Bethel, the church joined the Spring River Baptist Association.

Through the years, many new improvements were added. Electric lights were installed and a basement dug under the church in January 1949. New fir pews were purchased in 1956. Gas heat was installed in 1958 with two gas stoves and a tank being purchased.

In October 1962, a building program was started. The Prairie Star School house was purchased and moved on the north side of the church. It was partitioned off into two classrooms, nursery and a large auditorium. In November 1963, an additional heating system was purchased to heat the new addition.

Former pastors and the dates they served (as well as can be determined from the records) were as follows:

In the Bethel Association

Brother William Cline1890
Brother J. E. Johnson1897
Brother Thomas Baker1898
Brother Jasper Johnson1899
Brother W. A. Denton1899-1901
Brother Jasper Johnson1901
Brother L. M. Gaines1907
Brother Samuel Peters
Brother Waymire1911
Brother Roy Wade1912
Brother William Cline1914
Brother T. L. Parmentor
Brother J. J. Bay
Brother J. O. Dirfelt1915
Brother T. R. Wade1917
Brother Tom Draper1918

In Spring River Association:
Brother Onis Greenway1923
Brother J. P. Draper1924
Brother William Smith1925
Brother Shug Montgomery1926
Brother Brewer1926
Brother Hardee1926
Brother Trechnor1928
Brother Charles Edwards1928
Brother Lyle Luton1931
Brother Rulie Ridgway1932
Brother C. C. Dilworth1937-1939
Brother Lloyd Kollenburn1945-1946
Brother D. L. Short1946-1947
Brother Ted Davis1948-1949
Brother Gene Spraggins1949-1951
Brother Shore1951-1953
Brother Gerald Jeffries1954-1957
Brother Fred Doerge1957-1960
Brother Othal Hodson1960-1964
Brother James Carter1965-1967
Brother Bruce Hensley1967-1969
Brother Richard Davenport1970-1971
Brother Gerald Gober1971-1972
Brother Elvin Winans, Jr.1973-1974
Brother Steve Merten1976
Brother Jerry Mayfield1979-1980
Brother Frank Ledbetter1985
Brother Terry Tyler1986

(Transcribed from handwritten diary of Eva Riley Bower about 1963)

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If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Renessa Wiggins
State Coordinator: Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinators: Lea Robertson

Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email Renessa Wiggins. Please do not ask for specific research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Jasper County and do not have access to additional records.

