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The Carthage Press
September 3, 1914
Submitted by: Kathy Sidenstricker
New Items on Route 8--Carthage Route 8, Sept. 2.--The Willing Workers Sunday
school class of Bethany entertained the Loyal Berean Sunday school class
of Center Point last Sunday by giving a lunch and program.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Besse and Mrs. O. F. Prince and children, of Knights station, were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Riffee Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Kissel, of Jasper, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kissel spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kissel.
Mrs. Ott Johnson and children and Mrs. Overstreet, of Carthage, took supper Monday evening with
Mrs. D. H. Kissel.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Benschoter were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs. Spence, of near
Pleasant View.
Monroe Piercy and wife and D. W. Martin and wife were Sunday guests of F. J. Piercy and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bowman were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder.
Miss Susie Holdeman has returned to Carthage after a few weeks' visit with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Seela took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Landers.
Mr. and Mrs. Kollenburn, of Avilla, spent Sunday at W. C. Maxwell's home.
Dr. Houser was called to Will Lander's Sunday to see a sick cow.
Miss Mary Whitehead visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart Sunday.
Miss Clara Holdeman called on Miss Valeara Seela Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hartley are the proud parents of a son.
Charlotte Tullis spent the past week with Valeara Seela.
L. F. Wilbur is cutting corn for E. E. Riffee.
George Guinn baled straw Monday.
Diamond Route 1 News, Sept 2.--Mrs. Robert West and daughter, Nyna, and
Mrs. Shelton, of Everton, Mo., called on Mrs. J. G. Fitzpatrick Friday
Wm. Smith and Mrs. Noi Mitchell and daughter, Leta, enjoyed a
watermelon carve at Jim Collin's home Sunday.
P. Moxley and wife and J. D. Brookshire and wife motored to W. H. Brookshire's home Sunday
Mrs. Mary Moxley, of Scotland, is visiting at Wm. Smith's home and at the home of Sam Crouch.
W. C. Fitzpatrick and children spent Sunday at the home of his parents, J. G. Fitzpatrick.
C. R. Johnson, of Ontario, Can., is here on business and visiting relatives in these
Parshley and Route 3, Sept. 2--A large number of people attended the
surprise dinner at Joe Greninger's home, it being his birthday.
Those present were: Mrs. Ara Johnson and son, Glen, Charley Sherwood and
daughter, Viola, G. S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hite, Miss McGinnis, Mr.
and Mrs. Harve Greninger and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Greninger and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Elda Greninger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Greninger, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greninger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Patrick and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sherwood and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. George Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Greninger, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Spence and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bradley and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Will Triplett and son Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riddle and family, R.
and Mrs. Walter Goade and daughter Opal, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Greninger
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Greninger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Kellar and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Greninger and son Thurman, Mr. and
Mrs. Minford Roger and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kinney and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Greninger and family. The dinner was spread in the shade and
the day was spent in music and social talks.
Misses Ura Grieb and Hazel Hout, of the Gem school, received their diplomas Saturday from the
rural examination.
Quite a crowd attended the ice cream social at L. U. Howard's home Saturday night.
The cool weather of last week was something remarkable for this time of year.
Miss Amy Borger and Miss Kinney arrived Monday to visit relatives.
Bethel News, Bethel, Sept. 2
The following spent Sudnay at the home of
J. C. Lewis: George Knight and family, Arthus Burnett and family, Lemmie
Edwards and family, Rob Carnahan and wife, Carrie Brown, Ruth and Bessie
Daugherty and Dick Breeze and family.
The following spent Sunday at Mrs.
J. M. Ackerley's: Mrs. Joe Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Burk Ralston and
babies, Mrs. Eva Taylor and children and Mr. and Mrs. Will Black.
There will be an ice cream social at Lafe McPherson's home one-half mile
north of Bethel church, on Wednesday evening, September 9. Everybody
Eunice Hildreth entered school at Rude's business college
Monday. A number from this community expect to enter later on.
The work on Bethel church is progressing nicely. We wish to thank those who
contributed so generously.
The Carthage Press
September 10, 1914
Submitted by: Kathy Sidenstricker
News on Route 8. Carthage Route 8, Sept. 9
Misses Edith and Ethel Ritchhart, Marie Crow, Olive Tullis, Nina Bradbury and Janie McDaniel,
from this neighborhood, are attending High school at Carthage.
Quite a number from this community attended the "Old Settlers Picnic"
last Thursday. A good time is reported
Geo. Guinn and Newt Seela are delegates to the Baptist Association which meets in Joplin this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Piercy and son, John, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piercy, of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bishop, of Carthage, spent Sunday with Jake Bradbury and family.
A. C. Tullis last week attended the funeral of his brother, who died near Bartlett, Kansas.
Mrs. R. E. Holdeman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Etter, of Forest Mills.
Center Point School will begin September 21, with Miss Blanche Alexander as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Staab, of Joplin, are visiting at the home of F. L. Ritchhart this week.
School opened at Marion last Monday, with Miss Pearl Dintaman as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kissel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roper.
Mr. and Mrs. Weng, of Avilla, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Riffee, Sunday.
Kenneth Roper visited a few days last week with his uncle at Jasper.
Miss Valeara Seela spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Ivie Tullis.
Mrs. V. A. Riffee called on Mrs. M. L. Franklin Monday afternoon.
W. S. Johnson visited at C. W. Crow's home Sunday.
Ross Baker took a load of hogs to Carthage Tuesday.
Frank Ritchhart filled his silo Monday and Tuesday.
The News at Alba, Sept. 9
Miss Eva Bowman is attending school at Springfield, Misses Ruby and Lucile Teter are teaching in
Joplin, Miss Addie Teter is teaching at New Bank and Miss Stella Mink at Rosebank.
Misses Viola Vernon and Myrtle Teter will leave for Columbia next week.
Miss Vernon will attend the Christian college and Miss Teter will teach
in the university. Alba furnishes many good teacher for a town of its
Mrs. Earl Ackley and children, Warren and Helen, left for their
home at Pratt, Kans., Friday, after a visit with her parents, J. H.
Gilmore and wife, near Carthage, the past month, and here with Henry
Ackley and family a few days.
Word has been received from Jim Darel and son, Williw, that they have arrived in Colorado and are
well pleased with the country. The have work with a threshing machine.
Walter Greenlee and wife and twin daughters and Miss Lota Veatch visited friends in Lamar
Sunday. The made the trip in Mr. Greenlee's new auto.
Loren Cook celebrated his eleventh birthday Sunday by inviting several of his little
friends to take dinner at his home. All report a good time.
Mrs. Henry Ackley and Mrs. Carmichael, of Alba, and Mrs. Earl Ackly, of Pratt,
Kans., were shopping in Joplin and Webb City Thursday.